Channel & Campaign Analytics

Channel & Campaign Analytics

True Product Value

Traditional marketing often overlooks the long-term value of products, concentrating instead on immediate sales. This short-sightedness can result in inefficient budget allocations and lost opportunities to build customer loyalty. Together with Funnel, we're changing that narrative with our innovative feature, True Product Value (TPV).

Key Features Include:
Comprehensive Product Evaluation:
TPV revolutionizes how businesses evaluate their products by incorporating factors such as return data and marketing expenses per channel. This provides a comprehensive understanding of a product's real, long-term profitability, beyond just direct sales metrics.
Long-Term Profitability Insights: Understand the subtler aspects of customer engagement and retention, identifying which products genuinely foster customer loyalty and drive long-term value.
Strategic Budget Allocation: Use TPV insights to strategically reallocate your budgets toward high-return items. This informed strategy boosts ROI, cultivates a more loyal customer base, and paves the way for sustained success.

By embracing Sift and Funnel’s True Product Value, you can transform your approach to product profitability, ensuring your marketing efforts are both effective and efficient.

Channel & Campaign Analytics

Value by Marketing Channel

Our Marketing Channel Engagement Dashboard provides detailed insights into the performance of various marketing channels, helping you to optimize your strategies and maximize ROI.

Key insights include:
Channel Performance: Track the effectiveness of each marketing channel, including Google, Facebook, Direct, and Email. Analyze metrics such as unique users, orders per user, and revenue generated.
Marketing Overview: Our scatter plot visualizes POAS (Profit on Ad Spend) and Net Profit, allowing you to see which channels and products drive the most revenue.
Product Performance: Identify the top-performing products by revenue within each category and brand.
Customer Segments: Understand the demographics and behavior of your audience by analyzing segments such as gender, age, and RFM groups.
Order Analysis: Explore order sequences and order counts to understand customer purchasing patterns across different channels.

With these insights, you can refine your marketing strategies, allocate resources more effectively, and focus on channels, products and customers that deliver the highest returns.

Channel & Campaign Analytics

LTV:CAC & POAS:net profit

Optimize your marketing investments with our LTV & POAS Profit Analysis. This feature offers comprehensive insights into the lifetime value (LTV) of your customers compared to the cost of acquiring them (CAC), and analyzes Profit on Ad Spend (POAS) alongside Net Profit to help you make informed decisions that maximize ROI.

Analysis include:

LTV Ratio:
Understand the value of your customers over their lifetime compared to the cost of acquiring them. A higher LTV ratio indicates more profitable customer acquisition strategies.

POAS vs. Net Profit: Use the scatter plot to visualize the relationship between POAS and Net Profit. Identify which channels and products are not only driving revenue but also generating the highest profits.

Channel & Campaign Analytics

True Email Attribution

In the evolving landscape of digital marketing, accurately attributing revenue to specific channels is crucial. With the declining value of cookies, email often remains an undervalued and under-attributed channel, particularly in platforms like Google. To address this, we introduce our True Email Attribution, designed to run in parallel with other attribution models, allowing you to easily discover and address any discrepancies.

Key Features Include:

Parallel Attribution Models:
Run email and SMS attribution alongside other models to identify discrepancies and ensure accurate revenue attribution.
True Email Attribution: Discover exactly how much revenue your emails and SMS campaigns generate. This detailed insight helps you better understand the true value of your email channel.
Optimized Campaign Tactics: Exclude customers from Google campaigns before sending them an email, or develop tactics that incentivize direct purchases through email clicks, driving down the cost of sales.

With True Email Attribution, you can make informed decisions to optimize your marketing strategies and enhance the effectiveness of your email and SMS campaigns. 

Channel & Campaign Analytics

Advanced Email Analysis

Gain valuable insights into your email and SMS campaigns with our Unsubscribe Dashboard and Time of Day Analysis. This tool helps you refine communication strategies and improve customer retention by understanding unsubscribe reasons and optimizing message timing.

Key Features Include:

Unsubscribe Tracking:
Identify and analyze users who unsubscribed last week.
Message Analysis: Review messages that led to opt-outs to pinpoint triggers.
Customer Lifecycle: Understand the registration duration of unsubscribed users to identify behavior patterns.
User Demographics: Examine demographics like age, gender, and region for targeted messaging.
Channel Performance: Compare email and SMS effectiveness to make data-driven decisions.
Interaction Timing: Identify peak times for audience interaction with emails and SMS.
Optimized Scheduling: Send messages when engagement is highest to improve campaign performance.

Utilize these insights to optimize your messaging, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost engagement.

Channel & Campaign Analytics

Advanced Store Analysis

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your store's sales patterns with our Store Analytics feature. Track and analyze key metrics to see how your stores perform over time and identify trends in customer behavior.

Key insights include:
Sales Trends: Monitor revenue trends over time to identify peak sales periods and understand daily and hourly sales fluctuations.
Regional Performance: Compare sales across different regions to see where your stores are performing best.
Customer Segments: Analyze the behavior of different customer segments, including new vs. returning customers and various RFM groups.
Day and Time Analysis: Identify the most profitable days of the week and hours of the day to optimize staffing and promotions.Use these insights to optimize your store operations, improve customer experience, and drive sales.

By understanding your store sales patterns, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance overall performance.

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