Sales Analytics

Sales Overview Dashboard

Discover a comprehensive view of your sales performance and customer insights with our Sales Overview Dashboard. Access key metrics such as Average Order Value (AOV), Average Order Profit (AOP), and Customer Retention Rate. Understand where your customers are coming from, their gender distribution, and their locations. Dive into detailed analyses with our RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) segmentation.

Click on any element to explore specific details, such as the margin and profit for your most active female customers in Stockholm. Our Sales Overview Dashboard provides all the essential information you need to make informed business decisions and better understand your customers.

Sales Analytics

Sales Prediction

Predict your future sales with our Sales Prediction Dashboard. Get an overview of the upcoming year and a detailed breakdown of how each cohort and RFM segment will perform in terms of orders and revenue.

Receive thorough breakdowns for each period, including predicted customer numbers, active customers, total orders, order quantities, Average Order Value (AOV), and revenue. Benchmark these predictions against the actual outcomes to make informed decisions and optimize your strategies.

Sales Analytics

Discount & Returns Analytics

Our Discount & Returns Analysis Dashboard gives you a comprehensive view of product returns & discounts, helping you identify key patterns and areas for improvement. You can track:

Most Returned Items: Discover which products or categories are returned most frequently.
Volume of Returns: See how many items are being returned overall.
Timing of Returns: Analyze when returns are happening to identify any trends.
Average Discount: The average discount of each product
Geographic Insights: Understand where geographically your items are returned the most.
Reasons for Returns: Gain insights into why customers are returning items, which can help in improving product quality or descriptions.

To further refine your financial oversight, we include key financial metrics:

Actual Revenue After Returns: Monitor the true revenue generated from each product after accounting for returns & discounts.
Actual Margin: Calculate the real profit margin considering the impact of returns & discounts.

This detailed information helps you refine your inventory strategies and improve customer satisfaction by addressing the common issues leading to returns.

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